The Congregation of Teresian Carmelities (C.T.C.), the first indigenous one in India, was founded in 1866 by Servant of God Mother Eliswa hailing from Ochanthuruth, Vaippissery family. It was a time when there were no Catholic convent schools for girls in Malabar Vicariat, extending from Kasargod up to Capew – Comorin. This brave lady endowed with a prophetic vision who had by that time become a widow of Vareed Vakayil of Koonammavu, having bestowed with the charism of Teresian Carmelities, embraced religious life. She started the Congregation and stepped out to uplift the educational, social, cultural and vocational status of women and paved the way to start academic and social institutions and to empower the women folk of that time, freely contributing her own property and personnel, under the patronage of Most Rev.Dr.Bernadine Baccinelli OCD and with the guidance of Rev.Fr.Leopold OCD