- We at St Jude Public School strive to serve the society without any discrimination related to caste, color, sex and creed.
- Parents should submit the Application form, required documents (as given in the Admission Procedure section) and should bring the student in person during admission process
- Kindly note that the Names (Parents and child or children) & child’s date of birth details in the Application form to be filledin as per Birth certificate only and also kindly ensure to fill in the details without error/correction.
- Kindly fill in all the requested details in the Application form
- Parents seeking admission for standard KG to III is based on face to face personal interview with the Principal only.
- Minimum age of the student for
Pre K G Admission is 2.5 years
LKG Admission is 3 years
UKG Admission is 4 years - Parents seeking admission for standard KG to III is based on face to face personal interview with the Principal only.
- Parents seeking admission for standard IV to IX and XI is based on entrance examination performance only. Entrance examination questions will be based on the student completed academic year only i.e. student seeking admission for IV standard will be tested based on 3rd standard CBSE syllabus only.
- Subject offered in XI & XII :
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics / Language
Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics / Language
Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics , Mathematics / Language
- School Academic year starts from June to March every year.
- Fees are to be paid in Three terms, as given below
First Term fees, Bus Fee (if applicable), Uniform fee, Books fee, as applicable should be paid by, on or before 10th April, of the academic year.
Second term fees should be paid by, on or before 10th September, of the academic year
Third term fees should be paid by, on or before 10th January, of the academic year. - For all the new admission students, school office will contact the parent’s mobile for Books & Uniform distribution date during the month of April.
Admission are served on the First Cum First Serve (FCFS) basis only
Admission is purely based on the personal interview and entrance examination only and subject to the school management decision only
Kindly refer to the “Admission Procedure” page for more details